The animated gif, below, is made up of a series of stills of Jupiter and gives the sense of the swirling thermodynamic atmosphere of this largest of planets. One of the four gas giants in our solar system.
I was prompted to dig out these Hubble images of Jupiter in order to compare them with a drawing of Jupiter from the 1870's that I happened upon in DoraBalla's blog archive. You can recognize Jupiter's gassy swirling bands. It must have taken a tremendous amount of time to do this observational drawing....looking through the telescope and capturing the movement of the gas bands. This drawing of 'Jupiter' and the next drawing of 'A Group of Sun Spots and Veiled Spots' are from The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings Atlas 1870-80.
I was prompted to dig out these Hubble images of Jupiter in order to compare them with a drawing of Jupiter from the 1870's that I happened upon in DoraBalla's blog archive. You can recognize Jupiter's gassy swirling bands. It must have taken a tremendous amount of time to do this observational drawing....looking through the telescope and capturing the movement of the gas bands. This drawing of 'Jupiter' and the next drawing of 'A Group of Sun Spots and Veiled Spots' are from The Trouvelot Astronomical Drawings Atlas 1870-80.
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